For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
At Living Faith we believe we are called to serve one another with love just as Jesus served us. There are many opportunities to get involved and it you're not sure where to get plugged in, we'd love to help you find where you belong!
Join a Team!

Welcome Team
We want to make every person that comes through our doors feel like they belong here! As a member of the Welcome Team, you help us greet, direct, and assist people as they arrive.

Children's Ministry Team
Help train our children up in the way they should go! There are many areas to help: check-in kiosk, teaching, assistant teaching, and coordinating.

Worship Team
We love spending time in the presence of God through our worship times. If God has given you the gift of playing an instrument or singing, this may be a great team to join!

Audio/Visual Team
If you love to do behind the scenes work, have an eye for detail, and want to serve on Sundays, the Audio/Visual team could be your spot! Training is provided so you don't even need to know a lot about technology.

Coffee Bar Team
Do you enjoy making people smile? If so, serving them coffee on a Sunday morning is a great way to serve. No experience needed--we will train you to brew up a great cup of java!

Food Pantry Team
The Pantry is open on Saturdays from 4-6 pm. If you have a few hours a month you'd like to invest into serving our community, we can help you get plugged in! This is a great way for families to serve together, as well, so feel free to sign up as a group!

Meal/Care Team
Cooking food for others one of your love languages? Want to help run errands for those in need? Our Meal/Care team is a very practical way to be the hands and feet of Jesus!
We also have need for event hospitality crew for hosting fellowship events, funerals, youth meals, etc.
We also have need for event hospitality crew for hosting fellowship events, funerals, youth meals, etc.

Facilities / Renovation Team
There is always a construction project of some sort going on in our building! If you have time to invest, we can put you to work! We have a particular need for help with painting at this time, but could also use plumbing expertise, basic construction help, and flooring installation know-how. Let us know if you'd like to help finish a project!